Sunday, September 21, 2008

Welcome to precisely no one as yet

This is a placeholder, or as it is known elsewhere on the internet, the FRIST POST.

I start this to serve as a journal of one woman's aging process as it happens, through her own eyes. I am going to document the transformation of my own body from that of a young woman, through menopause, then to hollow-boned age, just as long as technology permits me to do so.

I don't expect to update it very often, but I will do so indefinitely, for fifty years into the future or however long it may take me. If this service sputters and fails, I'll move on to a new one. If there's one thing that the internet has taught me about technology, it's that whatever we'll be viewing on our retinal screens in 2050 will surely have a cheap free service for the propagation of any fool's ideas, which includes mine.

Over time I will examine the gradual weakening and disintegration of the beauty and then the function of my body, in hopes of pinning down some ribbon or shred, in the words of T.H. White, of "the passionate spirit of innocent youth, now beleaguered by the trick which is played on youth -- the trick of treachery in the body, which turns flesh into green bones."

1 comment:

Tanatoes said...

Fascinating notion. I am always interested in the notion of continuity of self. Clearly tomorrow I will not be the same person that I am today, and yet I continue to BELIEVE that I am the same person. It's like the illusion created by a moving picture.

With luck things will be further complicated within our own lifetimes by the possibility of duping our minds in the form of computer simulation. We could well be in the first generation of true immortals. (And I'll be mighty miffed if we only missed it by a couple hundred years!)